College Earnings
- How Quick you get employed after graduation is a product of your college reputation, and your chosen area of study. (Take a look a the job sites before choosing a program!).
- After gaining experience in your area of expertise (in the workforce), dependence on college reputation is diminished and you are judged by your actions/successes in the industry.
- Get your college degree, your earnings over your lifetime, will be substantially less if you do not. A person with a bachelor’s degree earned more than a person with a college diploma, apprenticeship or high school education.
- The table below illustrates this fact. This was pulled from Canada Census 2015. Incomes are much higher now.
Ontario | High school diploma | Apprenticeship certificate | College Diploma | Bachelor’s degree |
Women | $44,928.00 | $37,510.00 | $49,649.00 | $70,832.00 |
Men | $55,216.00 | $72,135.00 | $67,576.00 | $85,645.00 |
The extra cost to obtain a degree is generally paid back quickly upon graduation.
In 2023 University of Toronto: Average Annual Total Compensation post-graduation is $171k, ranging from $135k to $383k, see Post Graduation College Earnings | World University Ranking.