Career Path Selection

You might be about to graduate from high school and about to attend a Private College, Community College or a University (degree College).  You may be further along and be working already; driving that taxi, or handling a cash register or maybe you hold a foreign degree or community college diploma. Well, you are at the helm of the ship that you drive through life. Only you can choose your direction. Why not upgrade your skills and change your job into a career!


Choose Your Career Path

If you already have been to a Community College or University degree and have not had success with employment, then maybe a vocational or Career College would help. Career colleges turn degrees into employment. They offer pertinent career training to allow you to make the progression into the workplace quickly. New graduates can utilize targeted career training and turn their degree into a tool for success. Education is always a good thing, and never hurts your employability. Why not go back to school as a way of acquiring your dream job?

  • If you’re on assistance, you could potentially upgrade your skills for free. Many government programs currently exist (i.e. Second Career).
  • Many newcomers obtain language skills through ESL (English as a second language) programs.
  • Status Canadian Indians may receive substantially subsidized education. To be eligible for this program:
    -you must be registered under the Indian Act; this means you have a status card and status number (i.e. registered Indian in Canada);
    -you must have lived in Canada for 12 consecutive months before applying for funding;
    -you must be accepted in an eligible program, at an eligible education institution and must maintain satisfactory academic standing.

Get it done and reap the benefits. Control your fate. There is no time better than the present to improve your skills and your life.